New York, NY
Fall 2016
Parsons School of Design
in collaboration with:
Alexis Chagaris, Kanat Derbissalinov, Jianfan Lin & Valeria Martinez
This project was a logo and office design as well as a lighting design/analysis for a new illustration company, Blue Square Productions. The office design was to centralize the front desk near the elevator shaft and have a custom blue square lighting fixture be installed on the wall behind it. the conference room was to be centralized behind that wall. in between the seating area and more private work space is a pin up wall so items could be displayed in view from the conference room.
The lighting concept was to make ambiance of an illuminated space but in a softer way than traditional corporate floor industrial lighting. The lights chosen would be able to be dimmed to change throughout the day as the solar gain from the terrace changes. The desk lamps were chosen because they have the ability to tilt from the desk top to the pin up space directly above each desk.
The overall design is to make the office feel inviting and open but also utilize different elements, both lighting and architectural to denote different spaces ranging from more private to more public.